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Daily Prayer Archive

I adore You, O my God,
present in the holy Eucharist,
as my Creator, my Preserver,
and my Redeemer.
I offer You all that I have,

Lord Jesus Christ,
You have destroyed the power of death
and given the hope of eternal life in body and soul.
You granted Your Mother a…

O St. Maximilian Kolbe,
inflamed by the love of God
you dedicated your life to the practice of virtue
and to works of the apostolate.

Lord our God, remember Your daughter Sister Irma,
the Blessed Sweet of the Poor,
whose heart burned with love for You
and for her…

O great Saint Jane Frances
who, to follow the inspirations of the Holy Spirit,
when you were called to the religious state,
did scorn all…

O glorious Saint Clare!
God has given you the power
of working miracles continually,
and the favor of answering the prayers
of those…

O loving Mary, Mother of Mercy 
and refuge of sinners,
attracted by your beauty and sweetness,
as well as by your tender compassion…

Dear St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross,
child of the Day of Atonement,
Yom Kippur, daughter of Abraham,
bride of Christ, seeker of truth…

O God, who has enlightened Your Church
by the eminent virtues and preaching
of St. Dominic, Your confessor and our Father,

Holy Child Mary of the royal house of David,
Queen of the Angels,
Mother of grace and love,
I greet you with all my heart.
Obtain for…

You were transfigured on the mountain,
O Christ, showing Your glory to all.
Let Your eternal light shine also upon us sinners.
Help us…

O Mary, Mother of Jesus,
you were with Jesus at the beginning
of His life and mission.
You stood beside Jesus when He
was lifted on…

O most holy Virgin Mary,
assure me of my eternal salvation.
Never let me despair of the mercy of God.
Help me to overcome the evil…

God, I live the words spoken in the book of Job: 
“A shiver of horror ran through me 
and filled all my bones with fright.” (Job 4…