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Daily Prayer Archive

Most loving Heart of Jesus,
bring me health in body and spirit
that I may serve You with all my strength.
Touch gently this life which…

Flowers are blooming, signs of hope and joy.
Dear Jesus, Your rising from the dead
gives the promise of new life.
Help me be aware of…

Most Holy Virgin of the Revelation,
you who are in the Divine Trinity, we beg you;
turn your merciful and kind glance toward us.
Oh Mary…

Lord Jesus Christ,
I ask today to forgive everyone in my life.
I know that You will give me the strength to forgive
and I thank You that…

O Lord Omnipotent,
Who permits evil so You may draw from it goodness,
hear our humble petitions, as we beg of You
the grace of being…

Glorified Lord, Your resurrection pierces 
the darkness of doubt and fear. 
May the power of Your resurrection help me 

We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You
because by Your holy cross You have
redeemed the world.
Christ, You died once for our sins,…

All-powerful, eternal God,
You have chosen to give mankind 
a model of humility; 
our Savior took on our flesh,

Father Almighty, You are the loving,
humble servant of God.
Give me the grace to be loving
and humble like You in the World.

Glorious Saint Vincent Ferrer,
let not our hope and confidence 
in your protection be deceived.
Intercede for us before the throne…

O God, Son of God, You took on Yourself
our nature and suffered death on the cross for us.
By Your Passion You have set us free

Heavenly Father,
You are one in solidarity with the poor.
Open my eyes to the suffering of the poor
and give me the willpower to make…

Lord, You are the model of nonviolence 
and unconditional love. 
On Palm Sunday, may Your example inspire me 
to be a more…

Heavenly Father, I set aside this time
on April Fool’s Day to pray for Your help
in preventing me from doing foolish things in my life