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Daily Prayer Archive

O Saint Damasus, Bishop of Rome
who guided the bark of Peter through difficult waters,
who kept her on the course set for her by the Lord…

Lord, I believe:
I wish to believe in You.
Lord, let my faith be full and unreserved,
and let it penetrate my thought,
my way of…

You who were chosen by Our Lady of Guadalupe
as an instrument to show your people and the world
that the way of Christianity is one of…

Father, you prepared the Virgin Mary
to be the worthy mother of Your Son.
You let her share beforehand
in the salvation Christ would…

May the life of Blessed Mary be ever present 
to our awareness.
In her, as in a mirror, the form of virtue 
and beauty of…

O good St. Nicholas, you who are the joy of the children,
put in my heart the spirit of childhood, which the gospel speaks,
and teach me to…

Almighty and merciful God,
Who has commissioned Your angels to guide and protect us,
command them to be our assiduous companions,

Holy Mary, daughter of King David
and Mother of God, the universal King;
All your desires are centered
only on what merits to be sought…

Eternal God, Creator of all things,
remember that You alone
have created the souls of unbelievers,
which You have made according to Your…

Dear Jesus, when we look back on our lives,
we see the depth of Your care for us.
It forms a pattern unique to each
and binds us…

Lord, I am hungry for so much.
Teach me to trust that You
are meeting my every need.
Bless me with the compassion
to reach out to…

O good cross, made beautiful by the body
of the Lord, long have I desired you,
ardently have I loved you,
unceasingly have I sought you…

O God, who gave us joy by the yearly festival
of Your blessed martyr and bishop Clement;
grant that we who keep his birthday
may also…

O angel of Christ, holy guardian and protector
of my soul and body, forgive me everything
that I have offended you every day of my life,…