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Glorious St. John Chrysostom

O glorious Saint John Chrysostom,
renowned for your golden tongue

Weekly Prayer - Treat Others with Respect

Dear Jesus, 

The Holy Name of Mary

Loving God, give us a spirit of praise, 
like the spirit of Mary, 

Give Us Peace

O, Lord, remember us in our desire to live out
Your purpose for us in creation.

You Are Enough

Take a deep breath and bring your awareness to this present moment.

Prayer for Those Suffering from Depression

God, do You see me?
Do You know I am here?

Columban Centenarian

Sr. Bríd Kenny from Coolmeen in Co. Clare, Ireland, joined the Missionary Sisters of St. Columban on April 9, 1942. She got to know the Sisters…

Compassion for the Poor

O God, Who in order that slaves might know Your Name,

Our Lady of Good Health

O Tender Mother of the afflicted!
Grant me that special protection You have promised

The Splendor of Truth

O Mary, Mother of Mercy,
watch over all people,
that the Cross of Christ