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Columban Prayers for Healing

The Columban Prayers for Healing on this page were written by Columban priests in the United States. New prayers are added when they are received.


During this Time of Stress

Lord sometimes when we are frustrated or angry
we can be unkind to those we love the most. 
This can be especially true during this time of stress
and anxiety brought on by the corona virus. 
So we call upon your name to help us
to control our own anxiety.  
Help us to be patient with those close to us
who are feeling pain in some way at this time.


– By a Columban Missionary

You Are Kind and Merciful

Lord you are kind and merciful. 
You forgive us. 
You are always available to welcome us back
after we have failed. 
It is not easy sometimes to offer kindness or mercy
or to forgive others when we have been offended. 
It is particularly difficult when we are under stress
as so many are now with the coronavirus. 
Lord guide us to share that same spirit of kindness
and mercy that you have shared with us. 


– By a Columban Missionary

Time of Trial

Lord show me how to be strong and patient
in this time of difficulty. 
We have been challenged to live separated
from our loved ones. 
We are asked to sacrifice our freedom
to move around as we might like. 
We remember that in your time of trial
you were separated from your loved ones. 
But you showed what it means to love
during a time of trial. 
Help us to accept this time of separation
that we might come closer to our loved ones. 
May we love as you loved on your lonely way to Calvary.


– By a Columban Missionary

Deliver Us from Our Fears

Lord in our present suffering from the coronavirus we call to you. 
You have delivered us from our fears in the past. 
Please hear us in this special time of anxiety. 
But we are confident that even in this time you are watching over us. 
Please give your consolation to all of us
but especially those suffering from the present uncertainty.  
Give us confidence in your saving presence.


– By a Columban Missionary

A Grandparent's Prayer

Dear Mother Mary, with this virus going around
I ask you to pray to Jesus for my grandchildren.
How I would love to make the world safe for them.
But deep down I know that is impossible and yet I wish I could.
Nonetheless, I pray that I may be able to pass on to them
the gift of faith and a heart with the impulse to pray.
Then, in whatever dangerous situation they find themselves,
whether it be sickness or violence or famine,
they will believe in you and turn to you.


  Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director

Prayer to St. Columban During Coronavirus

St. Columban of Mt. Leinster, Bangor, Luxeuil, Bregenz and Bobbio,
your name rings out across the world.
Come to our aid and rise up to help us in our need.
As pilgrims on the journey, we ask you to keep us safe
from the coronavirus that knows no borders.
Heal those who suffer; protect those who are exposed and vulnerable;
enlighten all who respond; guide those who govern;
calm our fears; give us a new vision of Life;
and intercede for us before God the Most High
to stop the spread of this virus that we may continue
to work together for a new civilization of love for all.

— By a Columban Missionary

Lead Us on the Path of Courage and Kindness

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, listen to our prayer.
Give us your grace to be salt and light
at this time of pandemic:
Lead us on the path of courage and kindness.
Assist us to reach out to those in need
to share your Divine Grace
with all those near and dear to us.
This our prayer through
the gift of the Holy Spirit.


 By a Columban Missionary

Lord, What Do You Want Me to Do

It seems Lord God, that You are leading me to slow down.
Now, I have more time to think and reflect.
It is the Lenten season.
So, what Lord, while this pandemic is on,
do You want me to do?
Yes, there is more time now to pray.
And yes, there is more time to reach out to friends and family.
How are they? May I be supportive to them.
Listen to them ...
It does seem now, that this is what You
are asking me, Lord, to focus on at this time.


— By a Columban Missionary

Protect Each Other

In these times, we are led to protect
ourselves and our neighbors.
Lord, strengthen us to be in solidarity
and protective of each other
Help us to live with charity and compassion.


— By a Columban Missionary

Listening to God

Father of love and compassion, thank you for your forbearance.
How many times have we unthinkingly prayed the words,
“Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Now our plans and comfort have been upended and we are not in control of our situation.
Help us rediscover our dedication to doing your holy will in every situation.

Keep us far from greed and self pity. And do not let us be indifferent to the needs of the less fortunate among us.
Our pride and complacency have suffered. May your Holy Spirit give us a truer understanding of our reality.

May our hearts swell with renewed gratitude for all the people and things we have taken for granted.
We make this prayer in Jesus’ name.


  Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director

Feeling Alone

Dear Jesus,
Like the apostles who were in a boat on that stormy Sea of Galilee,
we are feeling alone, uncertain, tired and afraid.
Do not let waves of dread swamp us.
Do not let the howling wind of bad news drown out your voice.
Give us ears and hearts attentive to your voice when you say to us,
“Do not fear, it is I.”

  Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director

We Need Your Healing Hand

Lord Jesus, in your own time and down through the centuries
You became known as someone who could cure people through the power of God.
We believe that you do much more than offer a physical cures.
More central to Your mission on earth is the strengthening of people’s faith in every age,
so that they may live as a people of hope.
In this season of health crisis, we need your presence.
We need your healing hand.
And our spirits need a stronger faith, fuller confidence, more trust in you and in each other.
Bless us with this gift, we pray.

  Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director

Under Your Protection

Under your protection, O Mary, we ask your help at this time.
Under your protection, O Blessed Virgin, we are confident in times of stress.
Under your protection, O Queen of heaven, we on earth feel blessed.
Under your protection, O Mother of Jesus, we place our families in your gentle hand.
Under your protection, O Mother of Christians, we feel safe and secure.
Under your protection, O Mother of the healing Jesus, we pray for the compassion of your Son.


– By Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director

St. Joseph Inspire Us

Dear St. Joseph, 
The bible never quotes your words.
We know you through the gospels
as the protector of our Lord Jesus
and his blessed mother, Mary.

We know you by your actions and your dreams.

Help us to take action, to do all we can in this time of crisis
to lovingly keep those around us safe.
But also inspire us with dreams,
dreams of a better world,
a world of truth and justice, love and peace.


– By Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director