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Daily Prayer Archive

May the Spirit of God Be close to you, Renew and uplift you, Strengthen and comfort you, Pour gifts on you to heal you, Enfold you in love to…

Gracious God, we confess that we cannot come to your by our own strength. Thank you for coming to us through Jesus Christ. Continue to draw us to…

God you have called us from among the peoples and nations of the world to be your own. Thank you for the love that you have shown us by leading us…

God you send us to be lights in a dark world. With the power of your Spirit and your Word, we have the courage to confess our faith in your Son,…

Oh God, In Saint Peregrine You give us the example Of patient suffering, Of fidelity to prayer in spite of pain, And of dedication to helping the…

Lord, you wished to comfort those heavy and overburdened with cares, so they could find rest for their souls. Comfort me now, to lighten my cares…

Lord, you touched the suffering when others kept their distance, to make them whole again. Touch me now with your healing love, make me whole…

Weary after walking, You sat down to rest. Thirsty at the well, You asked for a drink. Exhausted in a boat, You slept in the storm. Sad at Lazarus…

When I’m not feeling well, And tired, I can get so down, Down with others, Down with myself, Down with everything, My spirit withers within me. I…

The disciples cried out in Panic when their boat was almost sinking, aroused from your slumber You calmed the storm, and all was peace again. Lord…

You put up with my moods, Lord, when it all gets too much, and others don't seem to understand, when I'm lifeless as sand, not at peace, not at…

Grant me, O Lord, good digestion, and also something to digest. Grant me a healthy body, and the necessary good humor to maintain it. Grant me a…

Lord, thank you for the generous gifts of your love given without conditions, a love that does not count the cost. To all who open their hearts to…

Lord, as a water lily opens itself to the sun, so may we open our hearts to you, to give you thanks and praise. For like the sun shining down to…