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Daily Prayer Archive

Lord, as a water lily opens itself to the sun, so may we open our hearts to you, to give you thanks and praise. For like the sun shining down to…

Lord, I am not worthy to receive you in my heart, so full of unkindness, but only say the word and I shall be renewed. Lord, I am not worthy to…

Thank you, Lord, for the precious gift of my family. I ask you to bless them, protect them, and give them strength to cope with their own…

For the powerful who are enslaved by the fear of losing privilege or possessions, Free them from their fears, O God. For men and women in…

Oh God, for men and women who are homeless and unemployed, who feel useless and unwanted, Call us to solidarity with them. For women and children…

Lord, give us missionaries who have enthusiasm for the Gospel, zeal for the salvation of your people, courage in leadership, humility in service,…

O God, you are a just and loving parent, You brought us to birth. We pray for all your children For the many families in our country who are poor…

My spirit watches for the potent moment, oh Lord, and in the midst of this celebration you are a throbbing presence. All of us are here. All of us…

You show us the potency of people with a clear commitment; you scatter the energies of those who vacillate. You remove the moderators and the…

Holy is this work now beginning. Blessed is the first step. Blessed are those who, prepared, have the courage to begin. Blessed are you, Lord, the…

O Lord, pry me open to your spirit that lives within me and heal my soul from whatever I have done that is wrong. Heal me so I can fall in love…

Blessed are those who know that all they are is a gift from God, and so they can be content with their greatness and their smallness, knowing…

Dear Jesus, you met Mary Magdalene after you rose from the dead but at first she did not recognize you. She thought you were the gardener. At…

Lord Jesus, heal me from the desire to run out of fear from what is beautiful on this earth, from nature and music and laughter and people. Heal…