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Daily Prayer Archive

O Pope St. Gregory VII, grant that all may understand
how vain it is to strive against that faith which has
always conquered and is…

Mary Most Holy,
Mother of goodness and mercy,
who with your visible help oftentimes
freed the Christian people from the assaults

My heart holds a prayer that carries you friend
so close to God’s loving heart.
I lay out my hope that you’ll know his touch,
and be…

Be favorable, O glorious St. Rita, to my petition,
showing your power with God on my behalf.
Be lavish to me,
as you have been in so many…

Grant, we ask You, almighty God,
that we will believe Your only-begotten Son our Redeemer
to have ascended this day into heaven,
may we…

Jesus, a name full of glory, grace, love and strength!
You are the refuge of those who repent,
our banner of warfare in this life,

Eternal Father,
I desire to rest in Your Heart this day.
I make the intention of offering to You
every beat of my heart,
joining to…

Dear Jesus, in reflecting on All Saints
and All Souls Feast Days,
I recall St. Thomas More's prayer,
"Pray for me, as I for thee,

O God, Who has glorified blessed Paschal Your Confessor
by a wonderful love for the sacred mysteries
of Your Body and Blood:

All you blessed Angels and Saints of God,
pray for me, a most miserable sinner,
that I may repent from my evil ways,
that my heart may…

O God, who taught Adam the simple art of tilling the soil,
and who through Jesus Christ, the true vine,
revealed Yourself the husbandman of…

Good and gentle God, bless every mother
and every grandmother with the finest
of Your spiritual blessings today.
Confirm in her heart…

My God, I believe, I adore, I hope
and I love You. I implore Your pardon
for those who do not believe, do not adore,
do not hope and…

O glorious St. Pancratius,
I beg you to obtain for me
all the graces that I need,
but especially health and work,
so that I may appear…