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Stories from Columban Missions

Sunflowers in a field of wildflowers
Darkness Would Not Be Dark to You

Last April I sowed wildflower seeds — I just raked the ground and scattered the seeds, as did the Sower whom Jesus talks about in the Gospels. As…

Big water buffalo in the road looks at the photographer
Big Black Water Buffalo

When the Covid-19 pandemic and the political conflict happened in Myanmar, formerly Burma, many people suffered economically, physically, mentally…

Friendship border gate between Thailand and Myanmar.
A Tribute to an Unsung Hero

When the Covid-19 pandemic and the political conflict happened in Myanmar, formerly Burma, many people suffered economically, physically, mentally…

Ocean waves batter a rocky shore at dusk
A Little Wish

In March 2024, there was a two-day event in Myitkyina, Myanmar (formerly Burma), for International Women’s Day (IWD) 2024. The theme was “Invest…

IMC maneaba (communal house)
A Visit to Kiribati

Kiribati is a nation of 100,000 people whose existence is threatened by climate change. The rising sea is making inroads on the low-lying islands…

Fr. John Boles (right) and two members of the Columban group that visited the Salford Laudato Si’ Center
From Death to Life in Salford

“Before you do anything, you must go and greet Ambrose Barlow.” So said Marie, secretary to Bishop John Arnold of Salford, as she opened the door…