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Daily Prayer Archive

O Lord,
Your sorrowing Mother stood by Your Cross;
help us in our sorrows to share Your sufferings.
Like the seed buried in the ground,…

O Jesus, it is not the heavenly reward
You have promised which impels me to love You;
neither is it the threat of hell
that keeps me…

O Merciful Lord, 
through the intercession of blessed Isidore,
farmer and confessor,
we may forego the pride of worldly wisdom,…

Lord Jesus Christ,
in Your ardent love for Your apostles
You desired to share the Passover meal with them
on the night before You…

Dear Jesus, sometimes the challenges of life seem to dim
our eyes and we see things in a narrow view.
Yet You appreciated the beauty that…

Lord, You never turn Your back on Your own.
Help me to remain faithful to myself in times of trouble.
Give me a spirit of faithfulness so…

God the Father,
I thank You for creating me.

God the Son,
I thank You for redeeming me.

God the Holy Spirit,
I thank You…

All praise and glory are yours, Lord our God.
For you have called us to serve you and one another in love.
Bless our sick today so that they…

Mercifully, O Lord,
work Your sanctification within us
by means of Your mysteries;
may they both cleanse us from earthly vices,

Jesus, my Lord,
I confess that I am a sinner.
But in Your goodness
You invite me to approach Your Holy Table
and to partake of Your…

O God, You chose your blessed confessor Jean-Baptiste
to give Christian education to the poor
and to confirm young people in the way of…

Lord, open my heart to believe Your word.
Guide me as I learn to play my part
in creating Your vision of peace and love.
give me the…

O Saint Vincent Ferrer, our guardian,
because God, our eternal Father,
has blessed you with an inexhaustible
fountain of grace and…

Blessed St. Isidore, help us to understand
that in the Mass we offer ourselves to God
with Christ by the hands of the priest.
There we…