Dear Columban Friends,
As we enter the season of Lent, we find ourselves called to a time of introspection and renewal. This period invites us to step back from our routines, to reflect on our lives, and to deepen our relationship with God.
Lent is often characterized by fasting, prayer, and charitable giving—practices that help us strip away distractions and focus on what truly matters. Beyond the rituals, Lent is a journey of the heart. It’s an opportunity to ask ourselves: What are the things in my life that keep me from fully experiencing God’s love?
Consider the metaphor of the wilderness. Just as Jesus spent forty days in the desert, we too are invited into our own wilderness experiences. In this space, we confront our struggles, our doubts, and our fears. It is here that we can shed old habits and false securities, emerging more attuned to the voice of God.
Reflect on what you might need to let go of this season. Is it a grudge that weighs you down? A habit that no longer serves you? Lent encourages us to acknowledge these burdens, to bring them into the light, and to surrender them.
Prayer during this time can take many forms. It might be as simple as sitting in silence, opening your heart to God’s presence, or engaging in scripture that speaks to your current journey. Consider the themes of compassion and forgiveness—who in your life might need your kindness or your understanding?
Lastly, let this Lenten journey inspire you to acts of love. How can you serve others in meaningful ways? Small acts of kindness can ripple outwards, transforming not only your heart but the hearts of those around you. Your generous contribution to the Columban missionaries will help us bring the light and love of Jesus Christ to the suffering poor.
As we journey together through these weeks, let us embrace the invitation to renew our spirits. May this Lent be a time of growth, healing, and deeper connection to the One who walks alongside us. We have a unique opportunity to reflect on our blessings and share them with those in need. This year, we invite you to join us in making a difference with a donation to the Columban missionaries.
I ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with us this Lent to ensure that those we serve can continue to receive the compassionate care they deserve. Each and every donation we receive is essential and truly a gift to those who rely on us for help. Your generous contributions will help us provide healthcare, education and basic necessities to those who are less fortunate in our community. Any amount, big or small, can make a significant impact. You can donate online at or send your contribution directly to us in the envelope provided.
Thank you for your compassion and support.
Blessings to you for a peaceful Easter and the joy of anticipating the emergence of Spring.
Gratefully yours in Christ,
The Missionary Society of St. Columban is entrusted by the Holy Father with part of the Church’s mission to spread the Faith and saving work of Christ.” (Vat.II) The Society works under the guidance of the Sacred Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and under the leadership of the bishops. We are listed in the U.S. Official Catholic Directory published annually by P.J. Kennedy and Sons. As such, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service recognizes us as a religious not-for-profit corporation, therefore contributions to our work are tax deductible. We employ no outside professional fund-raisers and pay no commissions.