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Columban Mission Magazine Stories

In This Issue

Here are the latest stories from Columban priests and lay missionaries around the world working with the poor, homeless and those in need. You can find these stories in the current issue of Columban Mission magazine. New stories will be added each week.

By Fr. Dan Harding

July is the coldest month of the year in Santiago, Chile, with the nearby Andes Mountain Range covered in snow. July is also time for the two-week winter school holidays.…

By Fr. John Boles

“Croeso y Cymru” (Welcome to Wales) announced the sign as we crossed the River Severn, reminding us that the Principality has a language, history and faith tradition quite…

By Ana Flores

When I attended Mass in Narulang, I noticed a little girl who was walking with difficulty. After the Mass, I had a conversation with the girl’s mother Jenny about her…

By Fr. Kurt Zion Pala

Myanmar, formerly Burma, was for a little while hopeful after it held its very first democratic elections after a long time. But it did not last long, soon after the…

Fr. Timothy Mulroy

The season of Lent invites us to alternate between meditating on Jesus as He embraces His cross going with outstretched arms to assist our neighbor in need. Can you…

By Fr. Al Utzig

Greetings friends of the missionaries of St. Columban. My name is Father Al Utzig. I’ve been appointed the new Director of the U.S. Region as of St. Columban’s Day –…

By Fr. Donal McIlraith

The Columbans sent me to study scripture in Rome back in the 1970s. Eventually, the Jesuits gave me a doctorate for finding “love” in the Apocalypse. I jest but did end up…