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Columban Daily Prayer

Columban Daily Prayer

God’s Helpers

Dear St. Brigid, brilliant star of sanctity,
we look up to you in hopeful prayer.
By your glorious sacrifice of earthly riches,
joys and affections obtain for us grace
to "seek first the Kingdom of God and His justice"
with constant trust in His fatherly care.
By your life of laborious charity to the poor, and the sick,
obtain for us grace to be God's helpers
to the utmost of our power during our stay on earth,
looking forward, as you did, to our life
with Him during eternity.
By the sanctified peace of your death-bed,
obtain for us that we may receive the fulness
of pardon and peace when the hour comes
that will summon us to the judgment seat
of our just and most merciful Lord.


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