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Daily Prayer - Remind Me

Remind me, Lord. I keep forgetting,
that You are powerful enough to single-handed 
handle all of my problems, no matter, 
how large, how small, how complex or how simple.
Remind me, Lord. I keep forgetting, 
that You are stronger in every way 
than my strongest enemies.
Remind me, Lord. I keep forgetting, 
that You are mightier than any bad wishes against me.
Remind me, Lord. I keep forgetting, 
that You are my protector.
Remind me, Lord. I keep forgetting, 
that I don’t have to fear anyone.
Remind me, Lord. I keep forgetting, 
that You capable of helping me with anything;
I feel overwhelmed by, I feel helpless about,
I feel anxious about, or I feel defeated by.