Columban Fr. Shay Cullen invites you to learn about the lives of Filipinos, the socio-economic situation of the country, the challenges it faces and the courage and resilience of its brave people by reading his new book, Ricky and Julie: A Story of Courage and Survival in the Philippines.

Fr. Shay’s book is a dramatic story of fiction, a novel, inspired by true events uncovering those thought to be behind the death squads that are killing and trafficking children into the sex industry and those brave Filipinos who rescue them and try to expose the drug cartel that strives for political power. Download your free copy now. Fr. Shay is making this available for free because the message is invaluable and more important than money.
If you wish, you may give a donation to the children in need and at risk in our world today. Visit the Preda Foundation website to donate and see how easy it is to support the work to save children in these dire circumstances around the world. Feel free to invite your friends to read this powerful story as well.
Ricky and Julie is a challenging read. The subject matter is difficult and uncomfortable, and while this is a work of fiction, Fr. Shay’s lifelong work with abused and exploited children in the Philippines is the real story behind these fictional characters. Thank you for caring about the most vulnerable in our society.