Good Saint Isidore, we are told that your
devotion to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
was so great that you would rise before it
was light in order to be able to attend Mass
before beginning your work in the fields.
Obtain for us, we pray you,
some of that loving devotion to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
There it is that the fruits of our farm labor,
bread and wine,
are brought and offered to God by the priest.
Then, in the consecration,
Christ Himself, Body and Blood,
Soul and Divinity,
becomes present on our altars
under the appearances of this same bread and wine.
And in what was the altar bread.
He comes to us to be the very food of our souls.
If we deeply realize the value and beauty of Holy Mass,
we will be very happy to attend as often as we possibly can.