Atsui ne, “Isn’t it hot” has become a summer greeting here in Japan. Announcements on our televisions tell us to use air conditioning and drink lots of liquid to avoid…
August/September 2024

Elated by the completion of my Urdu language refresher course, I felt ready to jumpstart into the ministry. It is true that the more knowledge one gained on something the…
Sr. Bríd Kenny from Coolmeen in Co. Clare, Ireland, joined the Missionary Sisters of St. Columban on April 9, 1942. She got to know the Sisters because her cousin Laura…
As I sat in my office at the Columban Mission Center in El Paso, Texas, I felt that something was missing. It had been a busy morning so far, on that hot day. We still had…
Chileans are hardworking people. Mothers and fathers instill their work ethic in their children from an early age, in many families that I have come to know, by…
“For me, life began at 40,” laughs Fr. Tony Coney, remembering how he arrived in Lima on August 30, the Feast Day of the city’s patron, St. Rose of Lima, which also…
Ma Hkawn was married for 20 years. She lived with eight family members including her five children, their grandmother as well as her sister-in-law and her husband in the…
On Feb 13, 2024, Andonie, one of the four original Subanen Crafters, died in childbirth. She died in her hut, on a remote hillside, in the middle of the night. Her husband…
In a country racked by poverty, civil war and military dictatorship, Columban missionaries like Deacon Francis Xavier help shine small lights of hope. It is often said…
As a child, one might say I did have an active Catholic faith much to my parents’ efforts. We never missed Mass, and we all received the sacraments of Eucharist and…