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Guided By Faith

Diary - In So Many Words

In So Many Words

By Latai Muller

As I reflect on the past three years of my life as a Columban Lay missionary assigned in the Philippines, I am overwhelmed with a flood of emotions. The journey has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences in my life.

When I first decided to embark on this mission, I had no idea what to expect. I had heard stories of the struggles and triumphs of other missionaries, but I never imagined that I would experience them myself. I was filled with a sense of excitement, nervousness, and uncertainty as I stepped onto the plane and headed to my new home.

The first few months were a blur of new faces, new cultures, and new languages. I struggled to understand the customs and beliefs of the people I was living amongst. I struggled to communicate with them and make sense of the poverty and injustice I saw around me. But as I slowly began to understand and connect with the people, I began to see the beauty in their lives and the resilience of their spirits.

"I had heard stories of the struggles and triumphs of other missionaries, but I never imagined that I would experience them myself."

The mission was not always easy, there were moments of doubt, fear, exhaustion, and homesickness. But in those moments, I was reminded of why I am here and what I have to offer. I saw the impact that my presence and my work had on the people I was serving, and it gave me the strength to push through difficult times.

Working with the people was a humbling experience. I saw the impact of poverty and injustice on these people’s lives, and it broke my heart. But I also saw the power of hope and the resilience of the human spirit. I saw young people who had lost everything still smiling and moving on, and I saw women who had been oppressed standing up for their rights and fighting for a better future. There were three wings that I always carried with me through journey and those are FAITH, HOPE, and TRANSFORMATION.

FAITH has been the foundation of my mission. It has given me the courage to step out of my comfort zone and trust in God’s plan for my life. It has reminded me that I am not alone in this journey and that God is always with me, guiding me and strengthening me. My faith has also been strengthened by the faith of the people I have met along the way. Seeing their unwavering trust in God, despite difficult circumstances has been an inspiration to me.

HOPE has been the fuel that has kept me going. It has given me the belief that there is a brighter future ahead and that, through God’s grace, we can achieve it. It has reminded me that no matter how difficult things may seem, there is always a glimmer of hope. My hope has also been strengthened by the hope of the people I have encountered. Seeing their resilience and determination to make a better life for themselves and their families has also been a source of inspiration for me.

TRANSFORMATION has been the fruit of my mission. It has reminded me that change is possible and that, through God’s love, we can ·be transformed and become the best version of ourselves. It has reminded me that my mission is not just about helping others, but also about being transformed myself. The transformation I have witnessed in the people that I have journeyed with has been a testament to the power of God’s love.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve, the people I have met, and the rich experiences that have helped me grow in my faith, hope, and transformation.

Columban lay missionary Latai Muller lives and works in the Philippines.
