In So Many Words
My sabbatical, October 2022 to September 2023, brought me to do the Ignatian Training Program (Phase 1), the Full Ignatian Spiritual Exercises and the Spiritual Directors’ Workshop at the Ignatian Jesuit Center in Guelph, Canada; and to two other short courses in Jerusalem at the Tantur Ecumenical Institute.
It was a graced moment, a blessed time of surprises and wonder, joy and thanksgiving, learning and unlearning, exploring and reconnecting, listening and sharing, letting go and trusting. It was an opportune time for me to look back, especially during my 40-day retreat, at what had been after 20 years as a Columban lay missionary, and to take stock of the now, and look forward to a future with an open mind and a heart renewed with hope. It was a golden time to say, “THANK YOU!”
The presentations, sharings, workshops and activities (inside and outside the program), as well as the time given for silence and reflection, invited me to look beyond my fears and vulnerabilities, and be open to the leadings of the Spirit, to trust in the goodness of God, and to have faith in the unfolding of life’s processes.
Being in the company of participants from other faith denominations during the Ignatian Training Program led me to a deeper insight and rich experience of interconnectedness and oneness in the One God amidst our diverse backgrounds.
Being in the company of participants from other faith denominations during the Ignatian Training Program led me to a deeper insight and rich experience of interconnectedness and oneness in the One God amidst our diverse backgrounds. There was no division among us, only appreciation and the eagerness to learn, grow in faith, and deepen one’s spirituality.
In Israel, being able to walk in the land where Jesus walked was an experience beyond words. Despite the complications and conflicts in the Holy Land, God’s promise stays in both the lives of the Jews and the Palestinians, though received and lived differently. How they can journey together in peace remains a mystery. This led me to more questions than answers. But then again, God’s love is beyond human understanding. All along, I found myself simply immersing into the experience, just being there, listening and absorbing the unfolding of events. It was a journey with Jesus on the land where He walked. It was a journey from the head to the heart. Thanking God for all that I have been blessed with and blessed for.
Columban lay missionary Arlenne Villahermosa lives and works in the Philippines.