The stirring words of the prophet Isaiah (9:1-7) reminds us that a people who once walked in darkness have seen a great light and they will be a people who will rejoice for unto them, and indeed to us, a child has been born who bears the hope and future of all peoples, the hope for peace and justice and honesty throughout the world.
As I reflect once again upon the significance of Christmas, I remember celebrating Christmas Eve mass in the old church in the town of Ba, Fiji, back in 1980. I had asked a group of young people to join us. They used to gather regularly to drink kava and sing songs with one of the best guitar players of Fiji who lived in poor circumstances at that time. Most of these young people didn’t go to church. But they had a commitment to each other and over a long period I earned their trust. I never judged them. I simply enjoyed their company. But that Christmas I asked them if they would like to lead us with the singing for that Christmas Eve Mass. To my surprise, they agreed. Slowly they began to turn up and take their place at the back of the church where they hoped they wouldn’t be seen. Well, they were like the throng of angels that night and the sign of peace was something to behold as regular parishioners made their way down to the back of the church to hug these young people and make them feel very much at home.
Christmas is always special to me because it is the night when some find their way home and are made to feel welcomed. Please reach out to someone whom you haven’t seen for a while and let the light shine and the songs be sung and hope restored as we give thanks to God for the birth of Jesus our Savior.
Happy Christmas!