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Lord, Give Me a Good Night

Columban Daily Prayer
June 6, 2022

Lord, You light my way when all grows dark,
when I grow anxious or confused.

You are my solace at night
my comfort when I’m down,
my light, my guide.

Lord, it’s at night,
when I’m all alone
with my aches and pains,
and my worrisome thoughts,
and wearisome tossings and turnings
that I feel it the most,
feel the burden if illness,
and how I wish to get better.

Lord help me to have a good night.
Help me to find peaceful sleep,
protect me while I rest,
keep watch over me in repose,
for You bless us always,
even when we’re asleep.

Lord I trust in You
and I entrust my night
to Your loving care.


- By Columban Fr. Patrick Sayles