July 21, 2024
Our Lady of Kazan,
We pray for eyes to see that Jesus Christ is the Way,
to behold the image of God in one another,
to perceive the needs of the unfortunate,
and to watch in prayer over the entire world.
Grant us a sacred vision of life, O Virgin of Kazan,
and illuminate our earthly passage to the Heavenly Kingdom.
Although we come together in dimness,
we see your kindness piercing the grim clouds
that obscure our sight,
and we humbly offer you these praises:
Rejoice, and bring us the glad news of deliverance,
that we may bless the Lord at all times.
Rejoice, and gather us as faithful ones,
that we may praise God to the ends of the earth.
Rejoice, Our Lady of Kazan, healer of eye diseases
and giver of illumination.