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Weekly Prayer - A Prayer for Those with Anxiety

Columban Weekly Prayer

God, I live the words spoken in the book of Job: 
“A shiver of horror ran through me 
and filled all my bones with fright.” (Job 4: 14) 

I cannot move, 
paralyzed between the worries of the past 
and the anxieties about the future. 
I continually cry out, “How did I get here?” 
“What will become of me?” 

Bring tranquility to my weary bones.  
Unbind me from the burdens of yesterday, 
dispel my fears of a tomorrow not yet set. 
Grace me with the peace of Your psalmist: 

“For You have always been my help; 
in the shadow of Your wings, I rejoice; 
my heart clings to You, 
Your right hand supports me.” (Psalm 63: 7-8) 


— By a Columban Missionary