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Weekly Prayer - For Those Living with Abuse

Columban Weekly Prayer

Lord, I am in pain.  
I live with fear and anger.  
My tormentor mocks me, treating me as an object.  
Something to be used, then discarded. 

Lord, will someone hear my silent cry? 
Will someone see my hidden wounds? 
Am I not Your child, Lord? 
Do You see my anguish? 
Lord, are You asleep? 

Now awake! 
Rip apart this veil of silence that shrouds me. 
May Your wrath stir against my tormentor  
to protect Your beloved one. 
Come to my aid as You promised of old: 
"Arise, O Lord, in Your anger; rise up against the fury  
of my enemies. Awake, my God, and ordain judgment." (Psalm 7, 6)


By a Columban Missionary