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Weekly Prayer - For Those Who Cannot Forgive Themselves

Columban Weekly Prayer

"For I am well aware of my offenses,  
my sin is constantly in mind." (Psalm 51: 3)

Lord, Your forgiveness should make me feel new,  
so, why do I feel unforgivable? 
My sinful past continually torments my spirit. 
The painful memories give me no peaceful redemption.

Lord, grace me with Your sight. 
Allow me to see myself as You see me: 
The person You forgave, 
the hope You saw.

Lord, grace me with Your compassion. 
Allow me to feel what You felt when You heard me: 
Acceptance, not rejection, love, not contempt.

Give me the grace to forgive myself.

"God, create in me a clean heart,  
renew within me a resolute spirit." (Psalm 51: 10)


— By a Columban Missionary