O compassionate Mother, not to forget us.
Grant, O Lady, that we,
your devout children,
may be favored more beyond comparison
than are all other men on earth,
The whole world should know that the dear children of Mary
are the best of Heaven and earth:
they are the spoiled children,
who enjoy all the choicest possessions of their Mother;
they are the beloved ones,
who, being caressed in the bosom of the Queen of Heaven,
are doubly favored
and doubly caressed by the Majesty of God,
This I hope, O most beautiful Mother;
and this I am confident that You will do,
O sovereign Princess,
do it in your name;
for all Heaven begs you,
and with importunity asks it of you.
Say only yes, pronounce only a loving consent;
be it done, be it done.