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Daily Prayer Archive

Lord God, you revealed your Son in the waters of the Jordan
and anointed him with the power of the Holy Spirit
to proclaim good news to all…

O Maria, transform my heart unto yours.
Place around it a wreath of purity,
adorned in virtue.

Take my heart, dear Mother,

Almighty and eternal God.
May your grace kindle in all of us
a love for the many unfortunate people
whom poverty and misery
reduce to…

Grant, O Lord, to Your Church,
assurance of faith and healing;
give peace and order to all nations,
and make the earth resound

Most sweet Jesus,
Redeemer of the human race,
look down upon us,
humbly prostrate before Your altar.

We are Yours and Yours we…

O Mary, implore for the world
the grace to see everything as the gift of God
and the virtue to work with generosity
and to make use of…

O, my Blessed Mother,
it is not one sword only with which I have pierced your heart,
but I have done so with as many
as are the sins…

God called us out of darkness,
into His wonderful light.
May we experience His kindness and blessings,
and be strong in faith, in hope,…

St. John Newmann, servant of God and man,
your desire to bring all souls to Christ
inspired you to leave your family, home, and country.

Our Father,
You would not willingly call on us to suffer.
You say all things work together for our good
if we are faithful to You.

O Divine Jesus, 
You promised that anything we ask
of the Eternal Father in Your name shall be granted.

O Eternal Father,

O All-Transcendent God
what words can sing Your praises?
No word does You justice.
What mind can probe Your secret?
No mind can…

Dear Lord,
We pray that this New Year will bring us closer to You.
May we take the time to get to know You.
Help us to truly celebrate…

God our Father,
on this eve of the Feast of Mary, the Mother of God
give us an appreciation of the many gifts
You have given us during…