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Daily Prayer Archive

When my spirit is heavy, Dark, like a thick, black sky. When I feel crushed down, Abandoned, useless, a ruin, Then, Lord, is the time To look to…

Dear Jesus, after busy days I need to rest in your love. Heal my tired and aching body. Like meeting a dear friend may your Spirit enliven me with…

Lord, on this "commencement" day, let there be a beginning of my life. In the days of darkness, be my Light, so that in turn I can radiate your…

Lord, you said to your friends, "Be the leaven to the world." Bread, a staple of life, and always present at celebrations, would be dull and…

You said, Lord Jesus, that your disciples must be the salt to this earth. Salt gives taste to food. It decreases spoilage. It is also a healing…

Lord Jesus, you have said that your followers must be the light to the world. Light propagates itself, dispels darkness. It sows rays of joy and…

How often in the down-sided moments of life we can lose our sense of fun, and scowl and frown around us. We punish others for our lack of peace…

Lord, I ask Your mercy and Your favor in a special way on me today. I ask the gift of healing both spiritual and physical, of all my sins, and of…

Heavenly Father, you have called us into your household of faith and made us brothers and sisters in Christ. Guide us by your word that our home…

All-loving God, we give you thanks and praise for mothers young and old. We pray for young mothers, who give life and count toes and tend to our…

Father in Heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been…

Lord, you created a beautiful world for us to dwell. Thank you for coming to us through earthly, natural means to confirm your word and accomplish…

I know I cannot just strive “to save my soul.” Your call of love compels me to be open to all creation and especially to those who have less in…

Help me not to complain, Help me to put my trust in You. I now you see and understand all That I’m going through. You know how hard The long days…