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Daily Prayer Archive

How often, Lord, Would I wish To stretch across the miles And touch loved ones far away, Or be whisked on angel’s wings To their very side. Be…

Lord, by the power Of your holy cross, Take away From my heart All hatred All bitterness, All false pride, All manipulation Of others. Fill my…

Lord, I thank you. You love us all equally, With unswerving love, A love beyond measure. No matter how strong our faults, No matter how deep our…

It’s easy, to turn my back, To feel offended, hurt. Lord, ease my bitterness, My selfish sense Of hurt ego, dented pride. Let me replace them With…

Teach Me, Lord Often, Instead of loving you, I seem to fear you. I move away From your gaze, Not sure, Not ready to trust you. Like a little…

So much in life Makes me feel Small Even trivial. I feel so dwarfed By this world, Powerful things Powerful people. Yet I know, Lord, That the…

Give me courage, Lord, To let go Past hurts And present fears. I leave my past To your mercy, And my present To your grace. Give me strength To…

Of our suffering world. Help me to be like you, You who stretched out your hands On the Cross And gave your all. Help me to be like you, For you…

You helped me when I was down, When I lifted my hands to you In earnest pleading. Lord, give me the grace To be gracious And generous To the…

As a bird flies naturally, Without having to think, Without being conscious Of what it is doing, Simply enjoying the moment, So I wish, Lord, To…

In the day-to-day routine of life I take my friends for granted. I expect them to be good to me Even when I’m in a miserable mood. But when I’m…

Bless our home, Lord. May your love surround it, To protect us, May your peace fill it To refresh us, May your Spirit dwell in it To comfort us.…

Even when I show you The thorny side of my character, Or when I’m sharp, Unloving to those I love, Unapproachable, Or in a bad mood, You still…

There are times When my faith feels fragile, As delicate As the petals of a poppy Which fall apart At the slightest touch. Treat me gently, Lord,…