After 34 years of missionary work in Pakistan, I came to Rome at the end of 2011 to serve as the procurator-general of the Missionary Society of St. Columban.
February 2018

It was a hot, sunny day in February when we four seminarians and four lay people from the Columban Mission Collaborators (CMC) set out to prepare for a month of mission in…
As we look back on 100 years of Columban mission worldwide, here in Britain we give thanks to God for all the gifts and challenges which have been showered on us.
Chile is one of the developing countries in the world in terms of infrastructure, economy and business with good salary rates that catch the attention of workers in…
In my eleven years of ministering to the Atayal people of Miaoli County in Taiwan, I've listened to numerous stories about how God makes His presence felt in the lives of…
My most vivid memory of 30 years in Fiji is that of drifting at sea in a storm. It was January 2003, and Cyclone Ami had done great damage in the north.
"Allahu akbar, God is greater,' begins the call to prayer from the loud speakers of the thousands of mosques throughout Pakistan.
The story of St. Bernadette's Children's Center began with the arrival of Columban Fr. Tony Coney to the parish of Los Santos Archangels in 1995. During those first months…
The Kachin State is the northern-most state of Myanmar. It is a land of beautiful mountain ranges where the rivers Malika and Maika are born and together form the world-…
On May 9, 2017, newly ordained Columban Fr. Seok Jin-wook Antonio celebrated Mass for the first time at the Columban formation house in Seoul, South Korea.
Pope Francis has chosen the motto "Miserando atque eligendo," meaning lowly but chosen; literally in Latin "by having mercy, by choosing Him." I was reminded at a Lenten…
On this 100-year anniversary of the Missionary Society of St. Columban, we lift up the Gospel values of mercy and justice at the heart of Columban mission.
Movements and changes continue in the Philippines, at this time of celebration of 100 years of the Society of St. Columban.
As Columban missionaries celebrating our centennial, we look back with gratitude to God and to you, our benefactors, who have so generously supported us and our work for…
Our story of the Missionary Sisters of St. Columban traditionally begins with the words, "It was because two people shared a vision and answered a similar call that the…
The Missionary Society of St. Columban was founded in 1918 for evangelization in China. The first Columban Fathers went to China in 1920 and began work in Hanyang.
It is truly a joy for the Missionary Society of St. Columban to be celebrating our centenary. We give thanks to God and all those who have supported us.
This year, as Columban missionaries celebrate a century of mission, we pause to look back and marvel at the abundance of God's blessings.
I Columban
Born and bred
Among the soft roll of hills
in the pasture land of Leinster.
Playing, working, praying in praise
Since our founding in 1918, the Society has published a magazine, first under the title of The Far East, while it is now known as Columban Mission.
For 100 years the Missionary Society of St. Columban has faithfully taken God's message of hope and salvation to the poor and oppressed in faraway countries. During this…