In So Many Words
Since our founding in 1918, the Society has published a magazine, first under the title of The Far East, while it is now known as Columban Mission. Throughout the years, these pages have detailed the lives of Columban missionaries living and working around the world and have noted extraordinary changes in our world over 100 years.
It was in faith that the Society first went to China, and it was in faith that our friends and benefactors supported the mission. In 1918, it was rare for people to travel far from home. Photos of China, a land so far away, and the Chinese people, helped our supporters and benefactors truly "see" their brothers and sisters in Christ half a world away. The magazine provided a way for us to be accountable to everyone who prayed for us and supported us financially in those early years, and it does the same today.
Throughout the years, these pages have detailed natural disasters from floods and typhoons to outbreaks of diseases like cholera as well as wars and other conflicts. Columban missionaries always have managed to get information to us that we could share with you, our friends and supporters. Cofounder Bishop Galvin wrote long into the cold, dark nights in China. Columbans in Korea managed to send word to us after Columban missionaries had been captured and later killed during the conflict. Columban missionaries in the Philippines, Peru and Chile all stayed with their people during times of martial law and armed conflict and still continued to think of everyone praying for them at home and to send word when they were able.
The common thread is that Columban missionaries are living Christ's command to "love one another," in good times and bad times. We continue to work in areas of conflict. We continue to stand with the people who most need to know the light and love of Jesus Christ. We continue to bring your love and steadfast care to your brothers and sisters around the world. And we continue to thank you for your faith and trust as we begin the next 100 years of mission to the world.
We hope you enjoy this Centennial Edition of Columban Mission magazine which details the work you have made possible for 100 years.
In gratitude for all that you have done for others,
The Columban Missionaries