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Philip and the Eunuch

The story about the encounter between Philip and the eunuch (Acts 8:26-40) is remarkable.

A Prayer for Our Earth

All-powerful God, You are present in the whole universe

The Gift to Seek God

Father, in Your goodness
grant me the intellect to comprehend You,

Birmingham Seagull

Since last August, I have been volunteering at a community garden here in Birmingham, Britain, ru

Prayer for the End of the Pandemic

Hear us, O God, our Savior,
and by the prayers of glorious Mary,

Remember My Dear Ones

O God remember forever my dear ones,
who have gone to their eternal rest.

Prayer of St. Augustine

Blessed Virgin Mary,
who can worthily repay you with praise

Prayer to St. Monica

Great St. Monica,
patroness of fathers and mothers,
please take our children,

Queen of Peace

Glorious Queen of peace, grant us
peace in our hearts, harmony in our families

Prayer to St. Louis

O God, Who exalted blessed Louis Your Confessor
from an earthly realm to the glory