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Old Story, New Ways

Joseph got up, took the child and his mother, and left that night for Egypt, where they stayed un

I Was Ready for Battle

There was a frantic voice at the end of the phone.  “Fr. Peter our Filipino friend Genalyn is sick in hospital and our Taiwan broker is going…


In the middle of the night, with the wedding guests gathered around, the groom is led to a specia

Sharing Gospel Joy

It is with much joy and heartfelt gratitude that I, on behalf of Columban missionaries and co-workers invite you, our benefactors, your families…

The Stable of Inner Self

I have mixed feelings reflecting on my experience of learning the Chinese Mandarin language.

Christmas Gift

I am Taemoon Kwon, a Korean Columban who was ordained a priest in 2010.

The Meaning of Christmas

When I was asked to write about the meaning of Christmas for a newsletter for Columban lay missio

Christmas in Myanmar

As I prepare for Christmas this year, my thoughts are with the people of Myanmar with whom I have

Christmas in the Andes

Where will the Christmas Festival for the communities be held this year?" asked Carolina, the Coo

The Holy Family of Today

Columban Sister Mary Dillon works in Myanmar amongst those living with the HIV virus.