Veidrala is located on the Northeast of Vitilevu under the province of Nakorotubu in Ra.
Chile is very far from my native land, with different people, language, culture, climate and food
One of the many gifts and blessings I experience in the United States as I travel during the summ
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the United Nations General Assemb
I once knew a priest who was the life of the party but prone to take over any party he attended.
The following is an account of a visit by Columban Fr.
The Ocean's (Atlantic) Influence Island life is shaped by the ocean.
I usually spend my summer break walking the sands and enjoying the beach but this time around I d
As a teenager I browsed whatever reading materials were left around my home: Sunday newspapers th
Fifty years ago I was pastor of an "old Christian" community on Amakusa Island in the far south o