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A Neighbor in Need

Diary - In So Many Words

In So Many Words

Fr. Timothy Mulroy

The season of Lent invites us to alternate between meditating on Jesus as He embraces His cross going with outstretched arms to assist our neighbor in need. Can you imagine, however, doing both of these activities at the same time? As one of the many legends about St. Kevin illustrates, such an imaginative, prayerful exercise might require us to ponder deeply on the ways in which God calls to us from the natural world, as well as to radically expand our thinking about who to include in our list of neighbors in need.

Blackbird sitting in a tree. Living as a hermit in the remote countryside in the sixth century, St. Kevin was praying one day with his gaze turned to the sky and his arms outstretched to the world, so that his body posture resembled a cross. Such was his concentration that he remained perfectly still.

A blackbird, which happened to be flying nearby in search of a secure place to build her nest, spotted him and alighted on the palm of one of his hands. Upon realizing that she had found not just a sturdy “branch” but also a serene setting, she proceeded immediately to gather twigs, leaves, grass and mud to build her nest there. Then, during the following weeks, she laid her eggs, hatched them, and tended to her chicks until they were ready to fly.

And what about St. Kevin? According to the legend, once it dawned on him that the blackbird was including him in her plans that spring, he decided to cooperate with her, and maintained a fixed posture while engaging in fervent prayer throughout the entire period.

An imaginative, prayerful exercise might require us to ponder deeply on the ways in which God calls to us from the natural world, as well as to radically expand our thinking about who to include in our list of neighbors in need.

How long might that have been? The task of building a nest generally takes the female blackbird from one to two weeks. Once completed, she lays her eggs over a three-to-five-day period and then hatches them during the following two weeks. It takes a further two weeks for the chicks to open their eyes, grow feathers, and develop the strength and confidence to take their first flight. A grand total of about 40 days!

The season of Lent also spans 40 days. Since the blackbird begins building her nest in early March – and Ash Wednesday frequently falls around that time, can you imagine how St. Kevin labored throughout that Lenten season? And the ecstasy that he must have felt when the brood of chicks took flight at Easter!

This story is one of several concerning St. Kevin’s devotion not only to God but also to the natural world. While most of them are legends, they have succeeded in capturing the imagination of so many people throughout the centuries. These legends continue to resonate in our hearts because they remind us that we are stewards of God’s creation and that this responsibility entails Lenten commitment and sacrifice so that our feathered and furry neighbors might also share in Easter joy.

Fr. Timothy Mulroy lives and works in Ireland.