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Daily Prayer Archive

Today, we are thrilled to go with Mary Magdalen
as she finds her crucified Master now risen from the tomb
where she had expected Him to…

Lord, Your rising from the dead
increases my faith, hope and love.
May my belief in Your resurrection
change my attitude and behavior…

O Jesus, Who by reason of Your burning love for us
has willed to be crucified and to shed
Your Most Precious Blood for the redemption

Father, Your Son chose Your will for Him
over His own desires.
Help us to remember Christ’s example,
and give us the strength to do…

Loving Father,
I stand before You in the midst of confusion and complexities of life.
My future sometimes seems distant and unknown.

Take away all fear from my life
and give me a strong faith like Abraham,
our father in faith.
As I celebrate this Eucharist
I wait in…

Lord, Jesus, Through Thine infant cries
when You were born for me in the manger,
Through Your tears when You died for me on the Cross,

Passion of Christ, strengthen me!
Strengthen me under the pressure of temptation.
Strengthen me when principle is at stake.
Strengthen me…

Give me confidence in the depths of danger.
Give me hope when I am surrounded by fear.
Still my worries,
calm the anxieties pressing in…

Lord, in Your love for the Church,
You provide bishops, priests, and deacons
as shepherds for Your people,
and You call men and women

O most holy Virgin Mary,
to whom God sent the Angel Gabriel
to announce that you should be the mother of His Only-Begotten Son,
pray for…

Lord, I believe:
I wish to believe in You.
Lord, let my faith be full and unreserved,
and let it penetrate my thought,
my way of…

Lord, help me live from day to day
In such a self-forgetful way,
That even when I kneel to pray,
My prayer shall be for "Others"

How life has slowed down! 
I used to be engaged in frenetic activity. 
Now I am limited by constraints from Covid-19. 