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Daily Prayer Archive

Lord as we suffer through this time of the virus
allow us to turn to You for strength and comfort. 
I know that Your saving help…

Grant to Your faithful, Lord, a spirit
generous enough to begin these solemn fasts
with proper fervor and to pursue them with steadfast…

Lord, send the new light of Your dawn
into my inner self.

Make shadows fade, pull back the blind,
let dazzling light cascade into…

Almighty God; we make our earnest prayer
that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection,
that Thou wilt incline the hearts of…

O glorious advocate and protector, Saint Valentine,
look with pity upon our wants,
hear our requests,
attend to our prayers,

O Loving Mother,
Through you the heavens exult with joy,
the angels and archangels are glad,
demons are put to flight,
the demon…

Lord as we suffer through this time of the virus
allow us to turn to You for strength and comfort. 
I know that Your saving help…

O Immaculate Virgin Mary,
Mother of Mercy,
you are the refuge of sinners,
the health of the sick,
and the comfort of the afflicted.…

O God, to show us where innocence leads,
you made the soul of your virgin Saint Scholastica
soar to heaven like a dove in flight.

May God, who loves us all,
give you his choicest blessings,
and fill your life with joy.
May He guide you in His ways,
and lead you to…

St. Josephine Bakhita, you were sold into slavery as a child
and endured untold hardship and suffering.
Once liberated from your physical…

You are all fair, O Mary.
And the original stain is not in you.
You are the glory of Jerusalem.
You are the joy of Israel.
You are the…

We honor you, O Mary,
Mother of God,
treasure of the universe,
inextinguishable flame,
crown of virginity,
scepter of the true…

Oh, Saint Agatha,
who withstood the unwelcome advances
from unwanted suitors,
and suffered pain and torture
for her devotion to our…