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Creativity and Artistry

With difficulty while speaking in Urdu, I was able to manage to ask this young lady if I could ta

A Woman of Faith

In 2003 I met a wonderful lady named Andring Naliponquit whom I fondly refer to as “Nanay” (mother). She was 74 years old when I first met her 18…

Prayer of St. Ephram

Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings,
you have power over life and death.

Your Body and Blood

Lord, through Your Body and Blood
You offer me the gift of eternal life.

O Mary, Mother of God

O Mary, help me to keep to my purpose of living
as a faithful disciple of Jesus,

Prayer to Mary, Mother of Grace

It becomes you to be mindful of us,
as you stand near Him who granted you all graces,

You Smile at Me Each Day

Across time and tide, my Lord,
You have shown faithfulness and goodness.

You Are with Us

It is summer and we are still suffering under the COVID epidemic. 

Columban Mission in the Province of Kangwon

The parish of Kogin is the northernmost parish on the east coast of Korea. It is above the 38th parallel and next to the Demilitarized Zone (the…

The One that Gives Me Strength

I am working in the diocese of Thaibay at the Chinese Martyrs parish church. Here I am fulfilling my practical training on my first mission…