The tall elderly man leaning slightly on his cane, stands out among the people of the Andes.
December 2016
Aside from my parish involvement, one of the most memorable experiences that I had in Peru was my ministry in Manuel Duato, a special institution which provides basic…
Like the majority of Columban missionaries, it is usual for me to spend the Christmas season far from my family.
I am not a writer, but I’m writing this reflection for myself and for others hopefully to be enlightened more about the Trinity’s love and God’s desire for each one of us…
Columban Fr. Donald Kill writes about the celebration of the Christmas season at the “Balay San Columbano” home in the Philippines. This home was founded by Fr.
The snow outside is tapering off. There is a Christmas concert on public television. Surely it is time for me to reflect as Christmas approaches.
How was it that Columban priest, Fr. Dick Ranaghan, spurred Bing Crosby into making his first record of Silent Night?
There are times when God is near to us and helps us through the day
No matter what the obstacles, the worries, the cares on top of us
There is something about life on an island. The past number of years I’ve been blessed to spend three weeks on an island called Negros Oriental.