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The Columban Centennial Altar Cloth

The next day was more adventurous. Fr.

Living Faith

This year we recall with gratitude the living faith of Columbans and others that has shaped our i

Ask, See, Knock

In January 2015 I began a new ministry in Payatas, the Philippines, known as the second Smokey mo

The Migrants that Seek a Welcome

Let us look at ourselves as human beings with dignity, values, and inalienable human rights.

The Angelus Bell

I am half way through my two months stay in Nacemaki Village after my course in the Fijian langua

Come the Weekend

Come the weekend, Americans have their baseball and football. Australians have their cricket and Australian rules football, and the Irish have…

Christ Walks with Us on Our Journey of Life

Columban history in the Japan mission is behind this stained glass window of the Risen Christ.

Something to Declare

It is interesting to watch those television programs that deal with people passing through custom

Serving People on the Edge of Life

About 18 months ago, after leaving the parish of St. Catherine’s, I felt called to go and explore opportunities of volunteering with groups which…

My Ocean

I am flying like a bird across the ocean
Sometimes I feel debilitated and depressed