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Acts of Love and Kindness

In my opinion love and kindness are the two words that most clearly express the life of Jesus.

The Mission of the Trinity

An African saying is my reminder: "If I go alone I go faster. If I go with others I go farther." This year, I hope to go a little farther so here…

A Tale of Two Brothers

Sometimes you come across a bond of love that makes you feel really humble.

Hope for a Brighter Tomorrow

I am Peter, and I am a third year student at Columban Fr.

Children at Risk

"The children, the young children, we have to do something about the children, they are at risk."

False Fakawela for an Indian Dance

A fund-raising bazaar took place at Raviravi church today.

Let There Be Justice for Children

We read and see reports about the terrible number of child sexual assaults and how few perpetrato

Like the First Time

On October 2017, I returned to Taiwan as a second term lay missionary.

Forgive and Find Freedom

The story is told of a good and prayerful woman who claimed to have had a vision of Christ.

Light Shines in the Dark

The last time I crossed a body of water on a boat at night was on my first mission assignment in