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A Columban Love Story

"When I left Peru to go to the Philippines, I wondered what I'd find there," observed Marisol Roj

Following the Footsteps

As we celebrate the Columban Mission Society's centennial, Columban lay missionary Haiti Muller r

Beauty and Meaning

In mid-January 2018, I spent a few days with our Columban missionaries in the parish of Badin, Pa

A New Rotuman Priest

Pat Visanti was born and raised a Methodist on the island of Rotuma.

Mission in Fragmentation

In the old world of European empires the mission of the church traveled with the expansive energy as it did previously in the age of trade routes…

The Women of Malvinas, Brazil

A week-end retreat with the women
from the desolate city slum ??

The Bogey Man

When I was growing up in Ireland we used to hear about the bogey man – who would snatch naughty c

Romeiros de Bristol

The Portuguese have become a part of Rhode Island society, but not at the price of entirely losin

It Was a Beauty-ful Day!

When I was growing up, I really didn't like reciting the Holy Rosary.

Why Visit the Prisoners?

Why visit the prisoners? It seems that it would be a fearful activity to engage in.