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Houses of Horror

"Houses of Horror" is how one visitor described the centers where children are held illegally beh

Cultural Curiosity and Trends in Japan

Since first coming to Japan as a missionary 60 years ago I have had a cultural curiosity!

Propagation of the Faith

One of my many blessings and opportunities as a missionary is to share the Joy of the Gospel.

My Indian Fathers

"Abba, call me that," my host father responded when I asked him how I should call him.

My Life Journey in Korea

For more than a year I spent most of my time visiting the elderly. I would say that meeting the different types of elderly is interesting and…

Friendship Throughout the Decades

I met the Columban Fathers for the first time in my hometown, Seoul, during the summer of 1953.

To Visit the Imprisoned

Pope Francis continually reminds us that the Church is missionary and is called to reach out to t

Challenging and Enriching

My only contact with the Columbans before going to the seminary in Suva, Fiji, was when Columban

Crossing Borders

The Ai Jia Development Center was founded by the Hsinchu Catholic diocese in Taiwan to help and s


Audy was a bright-eyed, smiling three-month-old baby who arrived at church for her baptism in the