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Hearing the Cry of the Poor

One of the many gifts and blessings I experience in the United States as I travel during the summ

Human Rights and Mission

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the United Nations General Assemb

The Center of the Party

I once knew a priest who was the life of the party but prone to take over any party he attended.

A Visit to Fiji

The following is an account of a visit by Columban Fr.

Adventures on Tide Island

The Ocean's (Atlantic) Influence Island life is shaped by the ocean.

A Different Summer

I usually spend my summer break walking the sands and enjoying the beach but this time around I d

Redefining Communication

As part of the on-going formation and education of Columban lay missionaries, I was privileged to

The Loving Father and Two Sons

Fifty years ago I was pastor of an "old Christian" community on Amakusa Island in the far south o

The Mysterious Journey

As a teenager I browsed whatever reading materials were left around my home: Sunday newspapers th

A Pioneer Returns

It was a great joy for me to be invited, two years ago, to return to Santiago, Chile, to celebrat