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Weekly Prayer Archive

Good and gracious God, fill us with gratitude for the blessings that surround us on this earth. We thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus, who gave up his life out of love for our world. May we love one another as he has loved us, and become a sign to the world that we are indeed his disciples. May the Columban Martyrs’ Memorial Garden be a sacred place to remember their missionary journeys, to give thanks for their perseverance in faith, and to praise you for the inspiration of their final witness. May the seeds of love that the Columban Martyrs sowed across the world continue to yield a bountiful harvest of justice and mercy, freedom and peace. Through their intercession, renew the Church and the face of the earth through the gift of the Holy Spirit. We ask you this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Heavenly Father, as we dedicate the Columban Martyr Memorial Garden, We pray for your faithful Columban Martyrs Who gave their lives spreading your Word. Lord, we are mindful that so great is our love for you That even though we walk in a world where speaking your name can mean certain death Your faithful still speak it. Help us work for a world where all may speak their creeds And pray their prayers Without fear of violence. Hear the prayers of those who abide with you in dangerous times and in dark valleys, And who die with your name on their lips. Draw them quickly to your side Where they might know eternal peace. Amen.

Dear Jesus, when I take the time to look, you reveal the beauty of creation and its peace. This vision challenges me to search for true beauty and to struggle to bring about peace for all. Amen. – Columban Fr. John Comisky

Lord Jesus, you have said that your followers must be the light to the world. Light propagates itself, dispels darkness. It sows rays of joy and hope. It is life-giving. Help me, Lord, to be a light to this world, so that my life radiates your message of love, hope, and joy. May I be the beacon leading to You those who seek truth

I know I cannot just strive “to save my soul.” Your call of love compels me to be open to all creation and especially to those who have less in life, the poor, the homeless, the refugee, the hungry, the imprisoned, the sick, all those in need. This seems overwhelming. Yet each act of kindness and generosity no matter how simple is important. Please bear with my reluctance and limits. Inspire my heart to burn with a freeing love for others. Amen. – Columban Fr. John Comiskey

Oh God, In Saint Peregrine You give us the example Of patient suffering, Of fidelity to prayer in spite of pain, And of dedication to helping the sick. I humbly ask That through Peregrine’s love for the sick You will comfort me in my illness, Through the help of his prayers You will strengthen me in my weakness, And through the example of his patience You will enable me to cope with my cancer. Though his intercession help me To open my heart to your healing love, And so come closer to you. Amen.

Grant me, O Lord, good digestion, and also something to digest. Grant me a healthy body, and the necessary good humor to maintain it. Grant me a simple soul that knows to treasure all that is good and that doesn't frighten easily at the sight of evil, but rather finds the means to put things back in their place. Give me a soul that knows not boredom, grumblings, sighs and laments, nor excess of stress, because of that obstructing thing call "I". Grant me, O Lord, a sense of good humor. Allow me the grace to be able to take a joke to discover in life a bit of joy, and to be able to share it with others. Amen - St. Thomas More

Lord, give us missionaries who have enthusiasm for the Gospel, zeal for the salvation of your people, courage in leadership, humility in service, hunger for justice, and a love of community with one another and with all their brothers and sisters in You.

Dear Jesus, you met Mary Magdalene after you rose from the dead but at first she did not recognize you. She thought you were the gardener. At times I fail to realize your presence in my life. I get too busy making plans and doing things. I may get so concerned in my own worries that I forget the healing your presence gives. I am not attentive to you as you show yourself in the poor or those in need. Open my eyes, open my mind, open my heart. Amen – Fr. John Comiskey

Blessed are the merciful, those who remember how much has been forgiven them, and are able to extend this forgiveness into the lives of others. For they too shall receive God’s mercy.

To feel for the hurt of others, to know how they feel because you’ve felt that way before, to want to help others who are in trouble.

We Will Think of Them Changed Into Glory Even though I feel the loss, and sadness presses heavy down, yet memories linger on, a melody of flowers to ease the pain of parting. Lord, one little flower that perishes is clothed by you in splendor and glory, and how much more then we, we who are made imperishable, who are loved by you eternally.

The Lord is faithful in all his words, and gracious in all his deeds. The Lord upholds all who are falling, and raises up all who are bowed down.

Lord, by the power Of your holy cross, Take away From my heart All hatred All bitterness, All false pride, All manipulation Of others. Fill my heart With your love, Heal all painful memories, Free me from all my sins And from every evil. Amen