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Weekly Prayer Archive

Lord, by the power Of your holy cross, Take away From my heart All hatred All bitterness, All false pride, All manipulation Of others. Fill my heart With your love, Heal all painful memories, Free me from all my sins And from every evil. Amen

Dear Jesus, Your loving mercy touches our hearts and gives us new life. Your example challenges us to be merciful in turn. While forgiving forms part, mercy involves much more. A deep seated compassion for all peoples and creatures sets the foundation for the living signs of mercy. Teach us to see as you see, to feel as you feel, to judge as you judge, and to love as you love. Amen

Help Me Grow Strong Again It’s wonderful after illness to feel your strength returning to feel your old self again, to start getting on top of things. But it takes time and patience, just getting back into routine, into the swing of things can seem like a mountain to climb, a challenge too far. Lord, help me grow strong again, help me each step of the way so that taking one step at a time, with your help I will come out on top.