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Weekly Prayer Archive

Jesus, we, Your followers, live in an in-between world.

We know by Faith of Your victory over sin and death
through Your Life, death and Resurrection.

Yet we see the reality of evil in people
being exploited – in the land, sea and sky
being polluted – in people brought
to despair by poverty.

We continue Your mission of hope
by our own attempts to be fair and caring
in our day-to-day lives; in the struggles
to bring about true peace and justice;
in announcing to others that life has meaning
and is fulfilled in compassion.

By Your example of self-giving,
guide us to true love and life.

Encourage us to use our hearts, minds, and hands,
all together in following Your example of being life giving.


— By a Columban Missionary

Heavenly Father, change is always difficult
but necessary for our society to grow.

We pray for those who often find themselves
at the forefront of movements for change
that their energy, passion and courage
will achieve positive results.  

May their work to draw attention to issues in our society,
and reflect the fairness, love and peace of Christ.


— By a Columban Missionary

Lord, in the past missionary activity was sometimes
seen by local people as just another arm of colonial rule. 

We thank you for the tireless work of missionaries
who respect the cultures and traditions of local people
and work to become part of the local community they serve.

Through their work, they reveal the love of Christ
throughout the world.

We pray for all missionaries today,
especially those operating in difficult circumstances
that they may live and witness to the gospel
in a way that will draw people to Christ.   


— By a Columban Missionary

Lord, we thank you for St Joseph
and for his role within the history of salvation.

We know little about what Jesus did
before he began his public ministry
but it is easy to imagine that he worked
with his father.

We ask that you bless all workers
and we pray that workers throughout the world
be given a fair wage, reasonable hours
and good working conditions.  


— By a Columban Missionary

Lord, we ask your blessing on Pope Francis
who now holds the office first given to Peter. 

Guide him as he seeks to be faithful
to the tradition that has been passed on
through the generations while seeking
to communicate the joy of the gospel
to the world of today with its unique
challenges and opportunities.


— By a Columban Missionary

Lord, there is something in our nature
that constantly wants to explore what is around us.
For generations humans looked at the moon and the stars
and wondered if we could ever go there.
We pray that all that we learn from our exploration
of the universe may increase our sense of wonder
at all that is and help us to have a realistic sense
of our place in creation.


— By a Columban Missionary

Lord, so many people in our world have been displaced
and are seeking sanctuary. 

We ask that you bless all migrants and refugees.
They often take hazardous journeys to escape conflict,
oppression, famine and poverty.

We remember the millions of people presently displaced
by the war in Ukraine and give thanks for those countries
who are providing a welcome for them.
May all refugees find a similar welcome.


— By a Columban Missionary

Lord, we recognize that our health is linked to the health of our planet.

Help us to see the extent of the damage we are doing
so that we may be motivated to take the urgent actions needed.  

May the beauty and wonder of all that you have created
provide us with the desire and the energy to preserve and care
for the great gift of life you have given to us.


— By a Columban Missionary

Gracious God, the census called by Caesar Augustus
brought Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem.
It was there that Jesus was born.

Help us to cope when things that cause us
to change our plans, often without warning.
Help us realize that Your plans are carried out
in spite of what life may bring our way.


— By a Columban Missionary

Lord, we pray that all of creation be given
the kind of protection that is given
to our national parks and marine reserves.

Help us to realize how important it is
to maintain biodiversity and protect
the habitats that plants and animals
need to survive and thrive. 

Help us to develop a deep reverence
for natural world which You have created.   


— By a Columban Missionary

Dear Lord, when the scriptures are read
during mass, we acknowledge that it is Your word.
Guide us when we use the scriptures for our own prayer.
Help us to understand what it asks of us and empower us
to put into practice what we understand.


— By a Columban Missionary

Dear God, it has been said that “truth is the first causality of war”.
As we pray for the people of Ukraine, we ask that justice
and peace may prevail.
We are horrified by the daily destruction and death of civilians.
We pray that sanity may prevail and that a world, already struggling
with a climate crisis and a pandemic, will be saved from further war.
Grant a just and lasting peace to world weary of conflict.


— By a Columban Missionary

Merciful God, Jesus calls us
to be as you are - full of compassion.
We ask that we be helped to let go of hatred
before it begins to warp our lives. 
As we face and accept our own failings
may we grow in understanding for the failures of others,
especially when these have hurt us or people we love. 
May we find it in our hearts to forgive
not just for the sake of the other but for ourselves.


— By a Columban Missionary

Lord we live in a time of rapid change.
It can be hard to keep up.
Be with those who struggle when change.  
Ease the anxiety that such changes can create.
Grant that they may be assisted in receiving help
embracing change and open their mind and life
to new opportunities.


— By a Columban Missionary