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Daily Prayer Archive

Most holy, immaculate Virgin Mary,
to your motherly heart Jesus entrusted his disciples
and to us He has given you.
I thank you, O…

Treasured in time immeasurable
how much more then are we
in glorious splendor adorned,
clothed in richest glory.

For those who…

Blessed Teresa,
you promised to continuously
bring the light of love to those on earth;
pray for us that we also may long
to satisfy…

Lord, thank You for the gift of education in every form.
As our children start a new school year,
may confidence be their foundation,

O Lord, You received affronts
without number from Your blasphemers,
yet each day You free captive souls
from the grip of the ancient…

Heavenly Father,
On this Labor Day, we thank You
for the talents you have bestowed upon us
and for the gift to share them through work…

Night is falling dear Mother, long day is o'er;
Before thy image I am kneeling once more
To thank thee for keeping me safe this day,

Mary, I beg you,
by that grace through which the Lord is with you
and you will to be with him,
let your mercy be with me.
Let love for…

You began immediately,
O holy Virgin,
to love and glorify God most perfectly,
and from that first moment
to the last of your life,

Eternal Father,
turn away Your angry gaze from our guilty people
whose face has become unsightly in Your eyes.
Look instead upon the Face…

Breathe into me, Holy Spirit,
that my thoughts may all be holy.

Move in me, Holy Spirit,
that my work, too, may be holy.

Blessed Monica, mother of St. Augustine,
we give thanks to our Father in Heaven
Who looked with mercy upon your tears
over your wayward…

Jesus, I entrust all my problems to you.
Come to me. Speak to me.
Reveal the will of God to me.
Deliver me from dangers and diseases.

O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Queen of the World, rule over us,
together with the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, Our King.