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May 2018

May 2018


May 2018

By Sherryl Lou C. Capili

When I was growing up, I really didn't like reciting the Holy Rosary.


By a Columban Missionary

Why visit the prisoners? It seems that it would be a fearful activity to engage in. Columban Sister Joan Sawyer bravely looked that fear in the face and visited prisoners…


By Fr. Andrei Paz

In 2012, while I was working in a parish among the aboriginal people called Atayal in the mountains of Taiwan, we organized a pilgrimage to the northern Philippines (where…


By Fr. Kurt Zion Pala

What was the first thing you did when you entered the church today? I assume you dipped your finger in the holy water and made the sign of the cross.


By Sihyeon Bae

I live and work in a mountainous area of Taiwan with aboriginal people.


By Fr. Tim Mulroy

This year, as Columban missionaries look back on one hundred years of mission, we recall with gratitude our accomplishments in various distant lands.


By Marjorie Engcoy

In my new parish assignment, I am blessed to have met wonderful ladies who were named after our Blessed Mother. I would like to share my experience with them.


By Teakare (Tex) Betero

Aminiasi and I arrived in Lima on May 20, 2016, for our pastoral experience called FMA (First Mission Assignment). We arrived during winter, above all, at midnight.


By Fr. John Marley

On Saturday August 12, 2017, I officiated at the wedding of my grand-nephew Killian to his bride Jenna.


By Jenanydel Nola

For more than a year, I spent most of my time visiting the elderly while on mission in South Korea.


Sr. Redempta Twomey

Some days when it feels that God is far from us we may begin to harbor a real doubt: Is there a God at all?