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February 2017


February 2017

Fr. Bobby Gilmore

In the not-too-distant past it was almost impossible to get governments and institutions to discuss immigration and immigrant issues.


By Jonah Jane Enterina

I can still vividly remember the day when we first opened Ladies' Day in Christ Church, Farm Road.


By Rosalia Basada

It's been nearly six years since I arrived in Birmingham, England, as a Columban lay missionary.


By Columban Fr. Warren Kinne

The other day I walked out of the church after Mass. There is a group of beggars there at the gate of St. Peter’s Church.


By Kim Balkovec

The Columban missionaries began their work in Peru in 1951 and continue working throughout the country today.


By Columban Fr. Daniel O'Connor

Cricket is played everywhere in Pakistan. On streets, in parks and wherever there is an area big enough for the game. People of all classes and faiths play it.


By Columban Fr. Noel Doyle

When I instructed catechumens in Japan, I spent the first year dealing with ordinary catechetical matters. After Baptism we studied St. Luke's Gospel and Acts.


By Columban Fr. Barry Jude Cairns

The Columban missionaries staffed the three parishes on Amakusa Island in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, from 1950 through 1997.


By Amy Woolam Echeverria

We all marvel at the deep and simple wisdom children hold in their hearts and on their lips.


By Columban Fr. Thomas Seungwon Nam



By Columban Fr. Kurt Zion Pala

We were told that we would be spending about five days in Agoo (the Philippines).


By Columban Fr. Noel O'Neill

While at my age being the main celebrant at the Holy Week ceremonies can be very demanding on a worn out body, it is more than compensated by experiencing first hand the…

By Fr. Tim Mulroy

Like the air we breathe, water is essential for our life and well-being. The average person here in the U.S. uses 80-100 gallons in a variety of ways throughout each day…